Despite the claims of his mother, Colorado prison inmate Carlin Q. Williams is not related to Prince, according to the Daily Mail report "Prince is NOT the father of man serving time in prison according to DNA results that bar the convicted felon from inheriting any part of $300million estate."
Nevertheless, Williams' mother, Marsha Henson, claims she had an affair with Prince in 1975 and no one else could have been Williams' father. She continues to believe Prince is the father of her son and disagrees with DNA findings that someone allegedly close to the case informed the press of on condition of anonymity.
Out of the known people who claim to be related to Prince and who are requesting a share in his estate, Williams received the most attention because of his status as a federal prisoner and also the plausibility of his mother's story. However, as the judge overseeing the estate wisely ordered that Prince's DNA be preserved, Williams' claims could be dismissed easily and quickly.
More challengers still remain and one of them may yet still prove to be the child of Prince. Those claimants will also have to prove it through DNA testing.
Reference: Daily Mail (June 22, 2016) "Prince is NOT the father of man serving time in prison according to DNA results that bar the convicted felon from inheriting any part of $300million estate."