A unique art form is being offered as a memorial at a hospital in Texas, according to The New York Times in "Hands of the Dying Offer a Unique Memorial."
The memorial is offered by an administrative assistant at the Baylor University Medical Center in Texas. The artist will create a custom cast of the hand of any dying patient, who requests it. The casts are specific to the patient and detailed enough to include even the smallest scars and veins. The casts are normally made with the patient holding the hand of another family member.
A husband might have a cast of his hand holding that of his wife, for example. The administrative assistant does not charge anyone for this service.
A similar service is obviously not available everywhere. However, many elderly people and their families might want to use it as inspiration to find their own unique ways to be memorialized.
Reference: New York Times (March 7, 2017) "Hands of the Dying Offer a Unique Memorial."